關於Juk Story 韓國養生粥品專門店
2003 年創立於韓國,Juk Story 以本土食材研發健康養生食譜,主打味道豐富,富含營養且食材調和的粥品、釜飯及其他特色韓國料理;品牌堅信「粥品是良藥」,只要選對食材,烹調而成的食品便是治癒身體和精神的「良藥」。全單20%折扣
訂單消費滿 $120,即可享高達 $40。受條款與細則約束
🌱🌎 由4月22日起政府禁膠餐具,本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有需要請於主餐單中選購
Government starts banning plastic cutlery from 22 Apr. In our efforts to promote sustainability, utensils are available upon purchase request. Please select below if they are needed. Thank you!
餐具包 Utensil (1 份 / 1 Pack)
韓式暖心粥套餐 Set Menu
莞島鮑魚粥(1-2人份) 及 半半煎餅 及 飲品 Abalone Juk, Half and Half Pancake Combo and Drink
莞島鮑魚粥 及 半半煎餅 Kimchi & onion pancake 及 飲品$199.00紅蟹肉飛魚籽粥(1-2人份) 及 半半煎餅 及 飲品 Red Crab Meat & Flying Fish Roe Juk, Half and Half Pancake Combo and Drink
紅蟹肉飛魚籽泡菜粥(1-2人份) & Kimchi及大蔥煎餅 及 飲品 Red crab meat & flying fish roe juk, half and half kimchi& green onion pancake combo and drink (套餐 Set menu)$194.00章魚醃辣白菜粥(1-2人份)、半半煎餅及飲品 Octopus & Kimchi Porridge, Half and Half Pancake Combo and Drink
章魚醃辣白菜粥(1-2人份) & 土豆及大蔥煎餅 及 飲品 Octopus & kimchi porridge (serves 1-2 people), half and half kimchi & green onion pancake combo and drink (套餐 Set menu)$188.00莞島鮑魚粥(1-2人份)、韓式蔬菜炒粉絲及飲品 Wando Abalone Porridge, Veggie Japchae and Drink
莞島鮑魚粥(1-2人份) Wando Abalone Porridge (Serves 1-2 people)+韓式蔬菜炒粉絲 (原價$80)Veggie Japchae Original Price $80 +飲品 Drinks$196.00紅蟹肉飛魚籽粥(1-2人份)、韓式蔬菜炒粉絲及飲品 Red Crab Meat & Flying Fish Roe Porridge, Veggie Japchae and Drink
紅蟹肉飛魚籽粥(1-2人份) Red Crab Meat & Flying Fish Roe Porridge+韓式蔬菜炒粉絲 (原價$80)Veggie Japchae Original Price $80 +飲品 Drinks$188.00章魚醃辣白菜粥(1-2人份)、韓式蔬菜炒粉絲及飲品 Octopus & Kimchi Porridge, Veggie Japchae and Drink
章魚醃辣白菜粥 (1-2人份) Octopus & Kimchi Porridge (Serves 1-2 people)+韓式蔬菜炒粉絲 (原價$80)Veggie Japchae Original Price $80 +飲品 Drinks$184.00
韓式暖心粥 Korean Porridge
因蔬菜粒爲粥底必需要的主要材料,故未能因個別要求而刪減食材,不便之處,敬請見諒。 Diced vegetables are ingredients that already boiled with rice as the porridge base, so we are not able to skip any kind of vegetables due to individual requirements. We apologize for the inconvenience.
莞島鮑魚粥 Wando Abalone Porridge
莞島鮑魚粥選用源自全羅南道莞島水域的鮑魚作原材料,並沿用韓國傳統食譜,以嚴格清理的鮑魚肝製成肝醬加入粥底,提升粥底鮮味及層次。$126.00紅蟹肉飛魚籽粥 (1-2 人份) Red Crab Meat & Flying Fish Roe Porridge (Serves 1-2 people)
選料自韓國東海的紅蟹肉,軟嫩蟹肉撕成細片後配以爽脆飛魚籽,雙重質感配以濃郁大海鮮味,治癒身、心與靈魂,健康又滿足。1-2 人份 Serves 1-2 people$116.00章魚醃辣白菜粥 (1-2 人份) Octopus & Kimchi Porridge
以韓國醃辣白菜配合高蛋白低脂章魚,於韓國飲食文化中絕非新鮮事!充滿營養的食材組合爲你提起精神,補充體力,從疲乏中恢復過來,酸辣味道尤其適合宿醉人士或工作疲憊的上班族喚醒精神。$109.00Korea Vegetable Porridge
特色韓式便當 Nene Korean Style Dosirak (Banchan Dosirak)
附有韓式前菜 | Served with korean side dishes
脆炸紫菜飯卷 Deep-fried Gimbap
單點美食 Single Order
涼拌高麗菜沙律 Coleslaw Salad
$24.00香腸年糕串 Sausage Rice Cake Skewer
原味 | Original$31.00煎餅 Pancake
可選Kimchi或大蔥 | Can choose kimchi or green onion$80.00半半煎餅 Half & Half Pancake
Kimchi &大蔥 | kimchi & green onion.$85.00Vegan蔬菜拌飯 Korean Veggie Bibimbap
韩国米$84.00芝士蛋伴泡菜炒飯 Kimchi Fried Rice with Egg and Cheese
$99.00芝士辣炒年糕伴拉麵 Cheese Stir-fried Rice Cake with Ramen Noodles
$99.00vegan韓式蔬菜炒粉絲 Veggie Japchae
$94.00蔘雞湯 Ginseng Chicken Soup
$139.00脆炸紫菜飯卷 Deep-fried Gimbap
暫時售罄$108.00海鮮辣豆腐湯(配飯) Spicy Soft Tofu Stew With Seafood (With Rice)
$99.00豬肉泡菜豆腐鍋(配飯) Kimchi Tofu Stew (With Rice)
$99.00Beef Japchae
$110.00Fried Chicken Wing 4pcs
$50.00Cheese Ball 3 pcs
$25.00Sweet Potato Cheese Stick 1pcs
$25.00Protein Chips
imported from korea 40G$18.00
Soul K-bap
吉列炸蝦蓋飯 K-bap with Fried Shimp
$71.00招牌炸雞蓋飯 K-bap with Fried Chicken
$85.00醬烤牛肉蓋飯 K-bap with Beef Bulgogi
$94.00韓式辣炒魷魚蓋飯 K-bap with Spicy Squid
$94.00醬烤豬肉蓋飯 K-bap with BBQ Pork Galbi
七喜 7-Up
$14.00百事 Pepsi
$14.00無糖百事 Pepsi Zero
$14.00韩国梨汁 Korean Pear Juice
韓式炒飯 Korean Style Fried Rice
(小)牛胸肉泡菜炒飯 Beef Brisket Kimchi Fried Rice